Ultimate Thyroid check - Postal Finger Prick test
Test for: Thyroglobulin antibodies, Thyroid peroxidase antibodies, Free T3&T4, TSH, B12, folate and Ferritin.
This test requires TWO sample tubes to be filled which means it is likely you will need to finger prick at least two fingers.
The turn around time for this test is roughly 1-2 days once received in the lab.
All postal kits are sent out via Royal Mail Tracked 24
Available everywhere in mainland UK.
Includes everything you need to take a safe and suitable blood sample in about 15 minutes.
Post the sample back to our laboratory via Royal Mail Tracked 24 prepaid envelope.
You must be over the age of 18 to do one of our postal tests. Please contact us if you’re under 18 and want to arrange a health check - this can be done in our Shrewsbury based clinic.
Order before 11.00 and your test will be posted out to you the same day.
Test for: Thyroglobulin antibodies, Thyroid peroxidase antibodies, Free T3&T4, TSH, B12, folate and Ferritin.
This test requires TWO sample tubes to be filled which means it is likely you will need to finger prick at least two fingers.
The turn around time for this test is roughly 1-2 days once received in the lab.
All postal kits are sent out via Royal Mail Tracked 24
Available everywhere in mainland UK.
Includes everything you need to take a safe and suitable blood sample in about 15 minutes.
Post the sample back to our laboratory via Royal Mail Tracked 24 prepaid envelope.
You must be over the age of 18 to do one of our postal tests. Please contact us if you’re under 18 and want to arrange a health check - this can be done in our Shrewsbury based clinic.
Order before 11.00 and your test will be posted out to you the same day.
Test for: Thyroglobulin antibodies, Thyroid peroxidase antibodies, Free T3&T4, TSH, B12, folate and Ferritin.
This test requires TWO sample tubes to be filled which means it is likely you will need to finger prick at least two fingers.
The turn around time for this test is roughly 1-2 days once received in the lab.
All postal kits are sent out via Royal Mail Tracked 24
Available everywhere in mainland UK.
Includes everything you need to take a safe and suitable blood sample in about 15 minutes.
Post the sample back to our laboratory via Royal Mail Tracked 24 prepaid envelope.
You must be over the age of 18 to do one of our postal tests. Please contact us if you’re under 18 and want to arrange a health check - this can be done in our Shrewsbury based clinic.
Order before 11.00 and your test will be posted out to you the same day.
The Ultimate Thyroid Function Test checks for three different thyroid hormones which, taken together, give an accurate picture of the health of your thyroid and may even pick up an early problem before you have any symptoms.
These hormones are the two hormones that are produced by the thyroid (T3&T4) and the hormone that is produced in the brain that stimulates the thyroid (TSH).
We also test for antibodies against the protein Thyroglobulin (TgAb) and the enzyme Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO). These antibodies lie behind autoimmune causes of thyroid disease and their presence, even if your thyroid function is normal, may suggest that you are at higher risk of developing thyroid problems in the future.
Lastly, we test for the micronutrients vitamin B12, folate and ferritin because these are important for the healthy function of your thyroid. Furthermore, the symptoms caused by deficiencies of these micronutrients may mimic thyroid problems and the inflammation marker is a good overall inflammation indicator with this panel.